hello world!
I'm Miguel "Mikey" Garcia, a GT CompE grad interested in quantum computing, robotics/ai, and embedded systems. Most recently I made automation software for Qualcomm (5g RF) as an intern. Right now, I'm getting ready to join the Air Force as a computer engineer!
Huge fan of GT basketball, the Baltimore Ravens, the Miami Heat, snowboarding, cooking, chess, Pokémon, Illenium, and blink-182.
Machine Learning
Robotics & Perception
Computer Vision
Embedded Systems
Quantum Computing Systems (PhD course)
Computer Architecture
Computer Security
Computer Communications
RF Software Development Intern | Summer '21
created and launched Python automation tool for modem physical layer testing across builds
built email botand framework to queue, log, and monitor RF 5G statuses for any given modem build
won Qualcomm Deep Learning Coursecontest for Most Accurate Classifier
LTE Software Development Intern | Summer '20
developed & deployed Flask webserver-based framework for log packet analysis
created email bot + parser to automate Jenkins requests and generated customized analysis web pages
system and bot are currently being used across multiple qualcomm teams!
Intro to Quantum Computing Teaching Assistant | Spring '21
teaching assistant for PhD course as undergrad
assisted in teaching 28 students key concepts such as grover/simon/shor's algorithm, qft, SABRE, QAOA
Undergraduate Deep Learning/DSP Researcher | Fall '19 - Fall '20
localizing ideal points in the latent space of generative models (StyleGAN2, BigGAN, VAE)
recipient of Georgia Tech's prestigious PURA (President's Undergraduate Research Award) research stipend for findings
Software Development Intern | Summer '19
developed contingency verification application to find major contingencies in a given power system via graph theory techniques
Substation Engineering Intern | Summer '18
assisted engineers in the reactivation of the Takoma substation
created Java power flow analysis tool